Monday 5 May 2014

Actor Umesh Kamat, who plays the main lead in 'Eka Lagnachi Tisari Gosht' enjoys immense fan-following owing to his various successful TV projects. Extremely content with his television stint so far, Umesh who is active in the film and theatre circuit as well feels that there is a lot more for him to achieve in the Marathi film industry. Excerpts from the interview: 

Looking at the current scenario of Marathi TV, what are the changes that are needed?Umesh: The audience love experimentation and thus channels should not stick to a formula method of serial making. They should not keep repeating a format just because it has been successful. Even if some experiments don't work, channels should continue exploring newer subjects instead of getting discouraged. Rather than being branded as the idiot box, television can become the smart box if used intelligently. 

Are you happy with the way your career in Marathi films is shaping up? Umesh: While I am extremely happy with the way my career has shaped up on Marathi TV, I am not satisfied with the kind of work I am doing in films. I enjoyed working on films like 'Lagna Pahave Karun' and 'Time Please' and am looking forward to more such interesting projects. I am reading a few scripts and hope to finalise one soon. 

Having found theatrical appreciation with 'Nava Gadi Nava Rajya' and 'Gandhi Adva Yeto', what lies ahead for you in terms of theatre? Umesh:The Gandhi Adva Yeto shows have been wrapped up and Nava Gadi Nava Rajya shows happen when the dates work out. I am looking forward to doing another play but I am not going to take up a project just for the heck of it. I am reading a few scripts and if I like one I will do a play this year. 
Having explored TV, theatre and films, how different do you find them and which one is your favourite? Umesh: All these mediums are quite similar as they allow a scope for experimentation and having enjoyed working in all three, I can't really pick one amongst them. 

Did you and your wife Priya started dating while working on the daily soap 'Shubham Karoti'? Did working together bring you closer? Umesh: We met on the last day of the teleserial Abhalmaya's shooting and started dating before Shubham Karoti. Starting off as casual friends, we were thankful that we bagged Shubham Karoti, after which we were able to spend quality time together. 
Coming from the same field, dot eh two of you ever have ego clashes or are you each other's best critics?
Umesh: We analyse each other's work as well as our own quite critically. Fortunately we both have similar opinions regarding professional matters. Whatever fights we have had, have been over personal issues and never professional ones. 


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